See low stock list of games soon to go out of print!
See low stock list of games soon to go out of print!
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Updated June 12, 2024

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    Prototypes/Hand-Made Games

    • 2021 Prototypes were sold July 1, 10am central US time.
      • All of these games are available for play on
      • Response to these prototypes will be used to assess whether to print additional copies (whether hand-made or mass produced).
      • Game rules will be online only as rules changes from other games while these are in prototype status. There may be an opportunity in the future to buy final full rulebooks if those are produced.
        • 1877: Venezuela - Short (2h) 1817-style game with a focus on short sales and financial arbitrage and sabotage
          • Full boxed game, 20 copies (+10 more depending on which sells out first)
        • 18DE: Germany - Medium (3-4h) 1817-style game, but with no short sales
          • Full boxed game, 20 copies (+10 more depending on which sells out first)
        • 1849: Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - an expansion for 1849 with a larger map on the "boot" of Italy. Requires 1849.
          • Mounted board + components expansion, no limit, but only available during July 2021.
    • Hand-made games - A batch of these games was made available January 1, 2021 and sold out in 2 weeks. This batch is expected to be the only availability for these games in 2021.
      • 1761
      • 1858
      • 1879
    All-Aboard Games started several years ago, first as a hobby, then fulfilling orders for Deep Thought Games, and now designing and publishing on a larger scale. I am one of the lucky few that gets to turn their passion into a day job (and their basement into an 18xx game factory).
    With that being said, it takes a lot to hand-make games. Resources, time, space, and a lot of physical energy. I'm going to be focusing more of that toward coordinating mass-production games now and in the future. I'll still be hand-making some games, but on a limited basis.

    So, as time frees up to hand make games, these will be made available on the web store. An announcement for any new copies in the store will be made to the AAG mailing list. Titles that are not expected to be mass production in the short term are prioritized: 1761, 1858, and 1879. I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone that helped me get this far. Designers, play-testers, the AAG team, and all of our customers and fans.