See low stock list of games soon to go out of print!
See low stock list of games soon to go out of print!
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Wave 5 Information Hub

Wave 5 Information Hub

Last update January 30, 2024
Next update planned for March 1, 2024

Gamefound Pledge Manager closed June 9, 2023 

  • Late pledges (now closed)
  • Kickstarter address survey/updates (all non-bundles pledges, now closed)

This page provides information and updates about the AAG Wave 5 production and shipping schedule. See the main catalog for games currently in stock for shipping now including past waves that will go out of print in the coming years.

Orders for Wave 5 games were taken in various ways:

  • June 2022 AAG Shop preorders: These orders are ready to ship once production is complete.
  • Kickstarter
    • Bundle pledges (pledges for all five boxed games): Address surveys were sent in July 2022 through Kickstarter.
    • All other pledges will require customers to use the pledge manager, Gamefound. The pledge manager is closed.
  • Late Pledges are closed now. Some items will be available in the US/EU warehouses in limited stock. Further availability of these will be announced on the  AAG newsletter.

Please subscribe to the AAG newsletter for updates.

Please send a note to the AAG contact form if you need to add items or change your address after you already submitted it.

Production Schedule (tentative, will be updated throughout the process)

  • Preproduction: Complete
  • Printing: Complete
  • Final Assembly: Complete
  • Ocean Freight: Complete
  • Local Shipping:
    • Asia: December (from VFI to local hubs packing complete Dec 8), local shipments by end of January, other VFI shipments expected within these timeframes
    • US/CA: Shipped January 2024.
    • UK: Currently being pallet shipped from Germany to UK, expected to be fulfilled in February 2024.
    • Europe/Rest of World: Shipped in January 2024